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Немецкие слова не Индо-Европейского происхождения

Turk: Germanic words of non-Indo-European origin Population genetic studies have provided incontrovertible evidence that ancient Germanic culture and ethnicity arose from the fusion of the Mesolithic inhabitants of Scandinavia (linked to Y-DNA haplogroup I1) and Indo-European people (associated with haplogroups R1a and R1b). Although the bulk of Germanic words have an Indo-European origin, a substantial number of fundamental vocabulary appears to be non-Indo-European, most probably inherited from the indigenous pre-Bronze-Age inhabitants of Scandinavia and/or North Germany. Sigmund Feist was the first to postulate this Germanic substrate hypothesis in 1932. Here are examples of pre-IE words in Germanic languages. Words in brackets are Indo-European. Note that some words derived from the same root have acquired different meanings in various Germanic languages. Таблицы слов можно найти по ссылке ниже: http://www.eupedia.com/linguistics/non-indo-european_germanic_words.shtml

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